Some Festivals and events in the surroundings of Old House.
Here we report some of the most important.
-Festival Del Tartufo Vero dei Monti Sibillini, febbraio, Montefortino (FM)
-Tipicita’ is an Italian word meaning uniqueness tied to territory: congresses, guided tastings, workshops and a complete exhibition of all the contents of “Marche Product”, an authentic Le Marche experience! awaits you in Fermo on March.
-Le vele di San Ruffino, Amandola, 24-25 April
-Palio dei Castelli, San Severino Marche, June Info
-Mercatino delle Occasioni ,Servigliano, July and August
-Artistrada, festival of street artists 17 -20 July, Colmurano
-Mostra mercato dell’artigianato e dell’antiquariato, Fermo, every Thursday, July and August
Arena Sferisterio, Macerata Opera Festival info
-Festa del mare , Porto San Giorgio 10-20 July
-Festa della Trebbiatura e del Folklore Cingoli, Macerata, July
–Events and Festivals in Penna San Giovanni, July-August
– Castrum Sarnani, Sarnano, second Sunday August
– Giostra della Quintana Ascoli Piceno, August
– I Giorni di Azzolino Grottazzolina, Fermo, August
-La Giostra de le Castella Caldarola, August Info
-Contesa Del Secchio Sant’elpidio A Mare, August Info
-Cavalcata dell’Assunta Fermo, August Info
-Torneo cavalleresco di Castel Clementino Servigliano, August Info
-Festa delle Canestrelle First Sunday of September, PENNA SAN GIOVANNI (MC)
-Festa del vino Ortezzano, September Info
-Sagra d’autunno Montefalcone Appennino, October
-Castagnata a Penna San giovanni 25/26 October
-Sagra Saperi e Sapori della Mela rosa saporosa, November, MONTE SAN MARTINO (MC)
-Diamanti a tavola, Amandola, November.
-Mostra nazionale Presepi, Ripe San Ginesio, December-January
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